Our Mission

Our aim is to have healthy rivers, streams and canals throughout the Kennet catchment.

The Kennet Catchment has been dramatically affected by human activities over the past 50 years. The M4 motorway has driven urban development and a trebling of the population, while agriculture has seen a major switch from pasture to arable, with a trebling of the cultivated land area. The re-opening of the Kennet and Avon canal in 1990 has added further pressure on the river’s water quality and wildlife and the poor performance of sewage treatment works has added additional nutrient loads.

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Classification

Using the Water Framework Directive, water quality and biological monitoring data, the ecological condition of the Kennet catchment has been found to be about 10% in good condition.

The Kennet Catchment Partnership has developed a catchment management plan with the aim to have healthy rivers, streams and canals throughout the Kennet Catchment.

The partnership and the plan is constantly developing and more partners and projects will be added as the plan progresses. We are actively looking for new partners to come on board to work with us, please get in touch for more information.

Terms of Reference

The Kennet Catchment Partnership will work together to achieve the following:

Collectively review and develop the Kennet Catchment Management Plan, identifying actions already in progress and adding issues and actions needed to achieve a healthy river.

Reach a shared understanding of the catchment’s priorities through an integrated catchment-based approach.

Identify a range of actions that support achievement of Water Framework Directive good ecological status, while at the same time achieving multiple environmental benefits.

Embed collaborative working in the development of strategic priorities and on-the-ground delivery of multiple objectives through an inclusive partnership.

Increase community participation to improve local understanding and management of the water environment.

Identify best practice components that can be replicated in similar projects.

April 2023