A project beneficial to brown trout, grayling and bullhead, this involved modifications to a weir alongside habitat restoration.
The weir has been modified to make it passable by fish and to reduce impoundment upstream. Student have been working alongside ARK volunteers to improve habitat and repair bank erosion along a 0.9k reach of river.
This reach is designated under the Freshwater Fish Directive. Although classified as ‘Good Ecological Status’ in 2009 it dried up completely during the 2011/12 drought and is at high risk of failure in 2015. An electrofishing survey carried out in December 2012 showed only three brown trout and one rainbow trout, these having survived in a single deep pool by the road bridge.
The project aimed:
- To improve the chalkstream habitat on the Marlborough College / Treacle Bolly reach, from Preshute Church footbridge to the Pewsey Road bridge
- To remove a barrier to fish migration
- Increase the variety and abundance of in-stream flora
- Provide an opportunity for students to engage in habitat restoration
- Offer opportunities to learn about chalk streams and the associated wildlife through open days, school visits and fly fishing days.